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Tracker event#


Drawdown/profit tracker event


Name Type Required Description
sequenceNumber number Yes event unique sequence number
accountId string Yes metaApi account id
trackerId string Yes profit/drawdown tracker id
startBrokerTime string(datetime) Yes profit/drawdown tracking period start time in broker timezone (in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS format)
endBrokerTime string(datetime) profit/drawdown tracking period end time in broker timezone (in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS format)
period string Yes profit/drawdown tracking period. One of day, date, week, week-to-date, month, month-to-date, quarter, quarter-to-date, year, year-to-date, lifetime
brokerTime string(datetime) Yes profit/drawdown threshold exceeded event time in broker timezone (in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS format)
absoluteDrawdown number Yes absolute drawdown value which was observed when the profit or drawdown threshold was exceeded. Absolute drawdown is expressed in account currency
relativeDrawdown number Yes relative drawdown value which was observed when the profit or drawdown threshold was exceeded. Relative drawdown is expressed as a fraction of 1
absoluteProfit number Yes absolute profit value which was observed when the profit or drawdown threshold was exceeded. Absolute profit is expressed in account currency
relativeProfit number Yes relative profit value which was observed when the profit or drawdown threshold was exceeded. Relative profit is expressed as a fraction of 1
exceededThresholdType string Yes type of the exceeded threshold. One of profit, drawdown


  "sequenceNumber": 1,
  "accountId": "105646d8-8c97-4d4d-9b74-413bd66cd4ed",
  "trackerId": "ABCD",
  "startBrokerTime": "2020-08-24 00:00:00.000",
  "endBrokerTime": "2020-08-24 00:00:00.000",
  "period": "day",
  "brokerTime": "2020-08-24 00:00:00.000",
  "absoluteDrawdown": 10000,
  "relativeDrawdown": 0.1,
  "absoluteProfit": 5000,
  "relativeProfit": 0.05,
  "exceededThresholdType": "drawdown"
