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Credit usage#


Contains information about credit usage


Name Type Required Description
perUser array Yes the number of credits used from credits available to all deployed accounts
perAccount array Yes the number of credits used from credits available for one account
perServer array Yes the number of credits used from credits available on this server

Schema of array items

Name Type Required Description
period string Yes rate limiting period, e.g. 1s or 4m
total number Yes the total number of credits for the period
available number Yes the currently available number of credits for the period


  "perAccount": [{
    "period": '10s',
    "total": 1000,
    "available": 500
  "perUser": [{
    "period": '1s',
    "total": 500,
    "available": 250
  "perServer": [{
    "period": '1m',
    "total": 5000,
    "available": 2500
