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Read historical symbol ticks#


Returns historical ticks for a specific symbol from a MetaTrader account. This API is not suppoted by MT4 accounts.

GET /users/current/accounts/:accountId/historical-market-data/symbols/:symbol/ticks

Note: this API is hosted on a different hostname than other MetaApi APIs. Please check the code example below.

Note: this API might require MT terminal to download and process much data at once causing delays in request execution which may be greater than default timeout of 4 minutes.

For more information see Swagger documentation. Note, that this URL is valid for new-york region only. You can find URLs for other regions on API access page.


Name Type Required Description
auth-token string Yes authorization token. See Authentication & authorization

Path parameters#

Name Type Required Description
accountId string Yes MetaTrader account id. You can retrieve account id from Web application after you add your MetaTrader account to our platform. The account id can also be obtained via Provisioning API
symbol string Yes symbol to retieve historical ticks for (e.g. a currency pair or an index)

Query parameters#

Name Type Required Description
startTime datetime time to start loading ticks from. Note that ticks are loaded in forward direction, so this should be the earliest time. Leave empty to request latest ticks
offset integer number of ticks to skip (you can use it to avoid requesting ticks from previous request twice)
limit integer maximum number of ticks to retrieve. Must be less or equal to 1000


  • 200 - Historical ticks for a specified symbol and MetaTrader account returned successfully. Response schema: array<MetatraderTick>
  • 401 - Authorization failed. Response schema: Error
  • 404 - MetaTrader account not found or not provisioned yet or symbol is not defined for this broker. Response schema: Error


Example request:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'auth-token: token' ''

Example response:

  "symbol": "AUDNZD",
  "time": "2020-04-07T03:45:00.000Z",
  "brokerTime": "2020-04-07 06:45:00.000",
  "bid": 1.05297,
  "ask": 1.05309,
  "last": 0.5298,
  "volume": 0.13,
  "side": "buy"