Read symbol price#
Retrieves price for a symbol
For more information see Async api documentation
In order to retrieve symbol price, your application needs to emit request
event with the following payload.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | Yes | request type, must be getSymbolPrice if you want to retrieve a symbol price |
accountId | string | Yes | MetaTrader account id. You can retrieve account id from Web application after you add your MetaTrader account to our platform. The account id can also be obtained via Provisioning API |
requestId | string | Yes | request id which your application must supply. Request id must be unique during an API connection |
application | string | MetaApi application id. Default is RPC | |
symbol | string | Yes | symbol (e.g. currency pair or an index) |
keepSubscription | boolean | if set to true, the account will get a long-term subscription to symbol market data. Long-term subscription means that on subsequent calls you will get updated value faster. If set to false or not set, the subscription will be set to expire in 12 minutes. |
After executing your request the API server will emit response
event with the following payload.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | string | Yes | The value of this field will be response in the response to the above request |
requestId | string | Yes | request id the response relates to |
accountId | string | Yes | account id specified in the request |
price | object | Yes | MetaTrader symbol price. Symbol price schema: MetatraderSymbolPrice |
Code example#
import ioClient from '';
const socket = ioClient('', {
path: '/ws',
reconnection: false,
query: {
'auth-token': 'token'
const request = {
accountId: '865d3a4d-3803-486d-bdf3-a85679d9fad2',
type: 'getSymbolPrice',
requestId: '60440b68-f098-4f9e-b9d0-ec7149979ec9',
symbol: 'EURUSD'
socket.on('connect', () => {
socket.emit('request', request);
socket.on('response', response => {
socket.on('processingError', err => {
Response example#
"type": "response",
"requestId": "60440b68-f098-4f9e-b9d0-ec7149979ec9",
"accountId": "865d3a4d-3803-486d-bdf3-a85679d9fad2",
"price": {
"symbol": "AUDNZD",
"bid": 1.05297,
"ask": 1.05309,
"profitTickValue": 0.59731,
"lossTickValue": 0.59736,
"time": "2020-04-07T03:45:23.345Z",
"brokerTime": "2020-04-07 06:45:23.345"