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Subscribe to market data#


Subscribes on market data of specified symbol

For more information see Async api documentation


In order to subscribe on market data, your application needs to emit request event with the following payload.

Name Type Required Description
type string Yes request type, must be subscribeToMarketData if you want subscribe to market data
accountId string Yes MetaTrader account id. You can retrieve account id from Web application after you add your MetaTrader account to our platform. The account id can also be obtained via Provisioning API
requestId string Yes request id which your application must supply. Request id must be unique during an API connection
application string MetaApi application id. Default is MetaApi
symbol string Yes symbol (e.g. currency pair or an index)
subscriptions Array list of market data subscriptions to create or update

MarketDataSubscription fields#

Name Type Required Description
type string Yes subscription type, one of quotes, candles, ticks, or marketDepth
timeframe string when subscription type is candles, defines the timeframe according to which the candles must be generated. Allowed values for MT5 are 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 20m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 1d, 1w, 1mn. Allowed values for MT4 are 1m, 5m, 15m 30m, 1h, 4h, 1d, 1w, 1mn
intervalInMilliseconds integer defines how frequently the terminal will stream data to client. If not set, then the value configured in account will be used


After executing your request the API server will emit response event with the following payload.

Name Type Required Description
type string Yes The value of this field will be response in the response to the above request
requestId string Yes request id the response relates to
accountId string Yes account id specified in the request

After response, synchronization events symbols and prices will come.

Code example#

import ioClient from '';

const socket = ioClient('', {
    path: '/ws',
    reconnection: false,
    query: {
        'auth-token': 'token'

const request =  {
    accountId: '865d3a4d-3803-486d-bdf3-a85679d9fad2',
    type: 'subscribeToMarketData',
    requestId: '60440b68-f098-4f9e-b9d0-ec7149979ec9',
    symbol: 'EURUSD'

socket.on('connect', () => {
    socket.emit('request', request);

socket.on('response', response => {

socket.on('processingError', err => {

Response example#

  "type": "response",
  "requestId": "60440b68-f098-4f9e-b9d0-ec7149979ec9",
  "accountId": "865d3a4d-3803-486d-bdf3-a85679d9fad2"