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Read account replicas


Returns replicas for a trading account

GET /users/current/accounts/:accountId/replicas

For more information see swagger documentation


Name Type Required Description
auth-token string Yes Authorization token. See Authentication and authorization

Path parameters

Name Type Required Description
accountId string Yes Primary account id


  • 200 - Account replicas list. Response schema: Array<TradingAccountReplica>
  • 400 - Validation failed. Response schema: Error
  • 401 - Authorization failed. Response schema: Error
  • 403 - Method or resource access permissions are missing. Response schema: Error
  • 404 - Primary account not found. Response schema: Error


Example request:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'auth-token: token' ''

Example response:

    "_id": "861ceafd-a58e-2fb9-a9bb-c9dd449f3bb4",
    "state": "UNDEPLOYED",
    "magic": 0,
    "connectionStatus": "DISCONNECTED",
    "quoteStreamingIntervalInSeconds": 2.5,
    "reliability": "high",
    "tags": [],
    "resourceSlots": 1,
    "copyFactoryResourceSlots": 1,
    "region": "vint-hill",
    "createdAt": "2022-11-03T15:00:29.650Z",
    "primaryAccount": {
      "_id": "1eda642a-a9a3-457c-99af-3bc5e8d5c4c9",
      "login": "50194988",
      "name": "mt5a",
      "server": "ICMarketsSC-Demo",
      "magic": 123456,
      "connectionStatus": "DISCONNECTED",
      "state": "DEPLOYED",
      "type": "cloud-g2",
      "region": "vint-hill",
      "manualTrades": true,
      "quoteStreamingIntervalInSeconds": 2.5,
      "tags": [],
      "reliability": "high",
      "baseCurrency": "USD",
      "copyFactoryRoles": ["PROVIDER"],
      "resourceSlots": 1,
      "copyFactoryResourceSlots": 4,
      "version": 4,
      "hash": 18093,
      "primaryReplica": true,
      "userId": "7b17e36a88502fd2faae5dd9d2166873",
      "metastatsApiEnabled": false,
      "riskManagementApiEnabled": false,
      "createdAt": "2022-12-11T09:09:27.454Z" 