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Update provisioning profile


Updates provisioning profile

PUT /users/current/provisioning-profiles/:id

For more information see swagger documentation


Name Type Required Description
auth-token string Yes Authorization token. See Authentication and authorization


Name Type Required Description
name string Yes User-defined provisioning profile name
brokerTimezone string Broker timezone name from Time Zone Database
brokerDSTSwitchTimezone string Timezone according to which daylight saving time switch happens on broker server
managerLogin number Manager login
managerPassword string Manager password
managerServer string Colon separated address and port of the manager server


  • 204 - Provision profile updated successfully
  • 400 - Name field not specified. Response schema: Error
  • 401 - Authorization failed. Response schema: Error
  • 403 - Method or resource access permissions are missing. Response schema: Error
  • 404 - Provisioning profile not found. Response schema: Error


Example request:

curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'auth-token: token' -d '{
  "name": "new name"
}' ''