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User quotas


User quotas model. Contains user account quotas and usage in region.


Name Type Required Description
region string Yes Account quotas region
maxAccounts object Yes The maximum number of accounts that can be created quota and usage in percents
maxDeployedG1Accounts object Yes The maximum number of G1 accounts that can be deployed quota and usage in percents
maxDeployedG2Accounts object Yes The maximum number of G2 accounts that can be deployed quota and usage in percents
maxDeployedCopyFactoryAccounts object Yes The maximum number of copyFactory accounts that can be deployed quota and usage in percents
maxDedicatedIpv4 object The maximum number of primary accounts using dedicated IPv4


    "maxAccounts": {"quota": 100, "usageInPercents": 50},
    "maxDeployedG1Accounts": {"quota": 20, "usageInPercents": 25},
    "maxDeployedG2Accounts": {"quota": 100, "usageInPercents": 45},
    "maxDeployedCopyFactoryAccounts": {"quota": 100, "usageInPercents": 15},
    "maxDedicatedIpv4": {"quota": 4, "usageInPercents": 50},
    "region": "vint-hill"
