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Too many requests error#


Contains a too many requests error message and data. The error occurs if more requests are made within a certain period than the application allows. The HTTP response contains the Retry-After header, which indicates when it is recommended to repeat the request for its successful completion.


Name Type Required Description
id integer Yes Error id
error string Yes Error name
message string Yes Error description
metadata object Yes Additional information about error. See below


Name Type Required Description
periodInMinutes integer Yes rate limiting period in minutes
requestsPerPeriodAllowed integer Yes available requests for period
recommendedRetryTime string(datetime) Yes recommended time to retry request


  "id": 1,
  "error": "TooManyRequestsError",
  "message": "The /users/current/accounts/99e5dbbc-f9d5-4482-b613-6cf328c5eb2e/metrics API allows 25 requests per 1 minutes to avoid overloading our servers. Please wait some time and retry your request or contact support to extend your quota.",
  "metadata": {
    "periodInMinutes": 1,
    "requestsPerPeriodAllowed": 25,
    "recommendedRetryTime": "2021-02-05T16:59:17.029Z"


All responses of REST API