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Trade duration diagram column metrics#


Presents metrics for deals in a certain range of deal duration. Shows how many trades are included in the column, how many different durations they have and separately information on winning and losing trades


Name Type Required Description
durations integer Yes the number of durations in this column
trades integer Yes the number of trades in this column
name string Yes name of this column, enum: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months
minDurationInSeconds integer Yes minimum trade duration in this column in seconds
maxDurationInSeconds integer maximum trade duration in this column in seconds
won TradeDurationDiagramC... collection of metrics of winning trades in this column
lost TradeDurationDiagramC... collection of metrics of losing trades in this column


  "durations": 23,
  "trades": 23,
  "name": "minutes",
  "minDurationInSeconds": 60,
  "maxDurationInSeconds": 303,
  "lost": {
    "lots": [
    "profits": [
    "gains": [
