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Maximum trade risk#


In CopyFactory you can optionally limit maximum risk of a copied trade (e.g. set each trade copied from a strategy to risk no more than 1% of subscriber balance).

Risk limit it is applied according to the following algorithm:

  • if trade on the master account has a stop loss, then lot size will be reduced (if needed) so that total trade risk does not exceed the specified risk limit
  • if trade on the master account has no stop loss, then this setting will not be ignored

By default CopyFactory will not apply a risk limit. However, if you want to override this behaviour then you can specify an optional maxTradeRisk setting. This setting can be specified on any of the following entities:

  • strategy
  • member of a portfolio strategy
  • portfolio strategy
  • subscription

This setting is overridable. This means that CopyFactory will apply the setting which comes latest in the subscription chain (e.g. setting on a subscription will override all strategy/portfolio settings).

Example (strategy)#

  "name": "Strategy",
  "maxTradeRisk": 0.01,

Example (member of a portfolio strategy)#

  "name": "Portfolio strategy",
  "members": [
      "maxTradeRisk": 0.01,

Example (portfolio strategy)#

  "name": "Portfolio strategy",
  "maxTradeRisk": 0.01,

Example (subscription)#

  "name": "Subscriber",
  "subscriptions": [
      "maxTradeRisk": 0.01,