Reverse trade signals#
In CopyFactory you can reverse trade copying signals. If you choose to reverse trade signals, buy orders will become sell orders and vice versa and take profits will become stop losses and vice versa.
By default CopyFactory will not reverse a trade signal. However, if you want to reverse it then you can specify an optional reverse
setting. This setting can be specified on any of the following entities:
- strategy
- member of a portfolio strategy
- portfolio strategy
- subscription
This setting is additive. This means that CopyFactory will collect the setting across the subscription chain and will use logical XOR of the collected settings to become a final setting for a trade signal. E.g. if you have this setting set to true on strategy or a subscription only, the signal will be reversed. If both strategy and subscription setting is set to true, then the original signal will be copied.
Example (strategy)#
"name": "Strategy",
"reverse": true,
Example (member of a portfolio strategy)#
"name": "Portfolio strategy",
"members": [
"reverse": true,
Example (portfolio strategy)#
"name": "Portfolio strategy",
"reverse": true,
Example (subscription)#
"name": "Subscriber",
"subscriptions": [
"reverse": true,