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Close instructions#


Close instructions


Name Type Required Description
mode string position close mode on strategy or subscription removal. Preserve means that positions will not be closed and will not be managed by CopyFactory. close-gracefully-by-position means that positions will continue to be managed by CopyFactory, but only close signals will be copied. close-gracefully-by-symbol means that positions will continue to be managed by CopyFactory, but only close signals will be copied or signals to open positions for the symbols which already have positions opened. close-immediately means that all positions will be closed immediately. Default is close-immediately. One of preserve, close-gracefully-by-position, close-gracefully-by-symbol, close-immediately
removeAfter string(datetime) time to force remove object after. The object will be removed after this time, even if positions are not yet closed fully. Default is current date plus 30 days. Can not be less than 30 days or greater than current date plus 90 days. The setting is ignored when a subscription is being removed


  "mode": "preserve",
  "removeAfter": "2020-08-24T00:00:00.000Z"
